Sunday, October 23, 2011

And Then There Were Five

I bet you are getting tired of
I am doing other things
I am really, but these
are very cute!


deanna7trees said...

they are beautiful. I can see these as the buttons of a plain jacket. they sure would dress it up and be a conversation piece.

Bobbie Casey said...

You are too cool for school, as you always say. Love these. They would look great on one of your woven and handpainted suits.. .Remember?
So, are you going back into the clothing business?
SARAZ? Wish you would. I loved my clothes you designed!

Bonnie M. Broussard said...

These are wonderful, it made me think of that fabulous denim embroidered skirt that we all wore (too big to make buttons) but those look like they would go on a knit jacket to wear with it (or a cool hat!).